Get in Touch
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December Hours
Tuesday & Thursday:
5080 Day Road Park, Lockport, NY 14094

The guidelines below help assure that your Santa experience will be smooth and stress-free. We hope you find these policies clear and helpful. If you have any further questions,please feel free to contact me!
Santa’s services are free at the Christmas Cottage but a donation can be made to help with costs. The donations help maintain the Cottage, landscaping, decorations, provide supplies to visitors and continue to spread Christmas joy to all in the community.
Santa Claus Dust
Santa Claus Dust has been a tradition passed down to me from my grandmother, and it can now be one of your Holiday Traditions! Each visitor that comes to the Christmas Cottage will get a magic gift of Santa Claus Dust. The gift comes with a special poem and instructions for Christmas Eve night!
Donations can be made anytime during the year, and at the Christmas Cottage. Please make checks payable to:
Christopher Parada (Memo: Christmas Cottage)
Mailing Address
“Christmas Cottage”
P.O. Box 1272
Lockport NY 14095
Santa Claus Letters
Santa Letters are a great way to add to the Christmas Magic! Each child will receive a personalized letter from Santa Claus in the mail! Children can drop wish list letters off to Santa at the Christmas Cottage, or they can be mailed directly to the North Pole! Each letter must have the Child’s name and address clearly written so Santa can reply to the correct child!